Under Quarantine? Here’s a list of Ideas of Things to Do (From a Genealogist’s Perspective)
Most of us didn’t expect to be suddenly confined to our homes for multiple days or weeks when we started the year. Though the first few days are likely to be hectic and nerve-wracking enough, eventually, staying home will try everyone’s patience with each other. Here’s a few ideas of things to do, from the perspective of a Genealogist.
Go through and label your family photos. Be sure to use the correct markers or soft-lead pencils so you do not damage them. If you’re really ambitious, start digitizing them. If you have a flatbed scanner or printer, that’s best, but most smartphones take great photos. Share with family around the world and those in your household.
Draft an update for your family historian with new births, deaths, marriages and events. Send them a quick update of what’s been going on in your family. Don’t have a family historian? Become yours! Keep a file of important information on family members for later use.
Start a Covid19 Journal. How interesting would it be to have a journal written by an ancestor detailing the progress of the Spanish Influenza of 1918? Record what’s happening in your household, local community, state, and country in addition to world responses and reactions. Record your thoughts, fears, or predictions.
Look through boxes of old papers and receipts you always intend to “get to” but never seem to have time. Pull out any vital records, personal correspondence, or newspaper clippings you’ve saved and scan them. Then you can recycle.
Write a letter or an email to a cousin you don’t connect with very often. Everyone is going to be going stir-crazy and will be thrilled to get an email out of the blue!
Record a video interview of each family member. It doesn’t need to be about the current situation but it could be. Ask for their thoughts. Or make it a more general interview using some ideas from Family Tree Magazine.
What is your family doing to stave off boredom?Let us know in the comments!