Welcome to Monee Historical Society

Ensuring the Future

by Preserving the Past

February Newsletter

American History Book Club

Join us every month as we explore and discuss a variety of books relating to American History.

January newsletter

Hot off the press on this cold December day!

December Post

It is nice and warm here at MHS.   Stop in and see us!

November newsletter

We hope to see you soon at MHS!

October newsletter

Hot off the press!   Make sure you get your quilt tickets soon!

Raffle quilt #2

The second quilt is done & on display.  Although it is the same square as the blue quilt, just by changing the colors and arranging them differently, it looks completely…

July newsletter

Plan a summer visit to MHS.  Good things are happening!

Monee map

And in case you were wondering exactly what land Augustus Herbert originally settled:

June newsletter

June is another busy month! Make sure you sign up for Mrs. Furst’s Charity Tea – it will be a lovely event! One of the quilts for raffle is complete…

Upcoming Events