Photo Contest – Happy Birthday Illinois!
The Monee Historical Society is sponsoring a Illinois Bicentennial Photo Contest.
The Monee, Illinois Historical Society (, and the Village of Monee are sponsoring a photo contest to going to celebrate Illinois’ 200th birthday in 2018.
Celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Illinois! Take Abraham Lincoln out for a date!
Illinois became the 21st state on December 3, 1818. We at the Monee, Illinois Historical Society are celebrating!
To participate, print out and color Abraham Lincoln, then take a selfie of you and Abe celebrating all over our fair state! Post these selfies to social media with the hashtags #FlatAbe, #MoneeIL and #200Illinois.
Photos entries may also be dropped off at the community building at Fireman’s Park on Court Street in Monee.
Prizes will be awarded for the most imaginative photos and ones that capture the spirit of Illinois. The contest kicks off on Memorial Day and all entries must be received by August 30, 2018. Prizes will be awarded at the Monee Fall Fair on September 9, 2018.
Submit as many photos as you like and we will post on the MHS and Village Social Media sites, as well as in the Monee Community building as space permits. Everyone is eligible to enter.
Participants can apply either on line or at the community building. (If using the hashtags on social media, you don’t have to fill out the below – we will contact you through your social media account) Please include:
• Name
• Address
• Phone
• Email
• Age (if under 18)
Click here to download and print your Abraham Lincoln! Flat Abe